Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"the Overflowing Cup" blog is rooted and grounded in Him...

How the blog came about... as I begin to walk along my new journey, following along the path the Lord has placed me on this past month.
The NEW blog is inspired, rooted and grounded in Him alone.  He is my ALLTIME source to all I do from this point forward. What a honor and joy to have this opportunity. To share this with you.

I pray that YOU will find joy and peace in all that is shared thru this blog. Posts will come from myself, the Bible, other posts I find helpful and feel you will be blessed from, spiritual quotes and many other resources.

God is moving in me and using me, and that is where this BLOG came from... a secret place that only we (those who CHOOSE to follow my blog) share with the Lord.

So be blessed.....


  1. Love how you are putting yourself out there and allowing God to move people and circumstances around to support your vision!

  2. More than anything I think we need to be reminded of God's love! Thanks for a great and thoughtful post that truly reflects the heart of Christ. I'd probably worry less and sleep more if I could just grasp the true depths of Gods love for me :)
